Saturday, November 28, 2009


*Disclaimer: This post is a bit delayed. Ooops.

This Thanksgiving holiday I am reminded of so many things to be thankful for. God has blessed us with an amazing family that is incredible supportive. They are our rock and they love Chris, Ethan and I so much. I am so grateful for the job that I have. Although I do complain sometimes, I truly love what I do. I love working with children, counseling them, testing them to help them find a way to be successful in school. It is great. I am also thankful for Chris' job. The economy is not so hot and being in business for yourself can be stressful at times, but God has truly provided for us with keeping Chris busy. I won't lie, his business has felt the economic crunch but God has provided jobs and clients right when we needed them. We are so fortunate. I am also thankful for Chris, he is a great dad and a great husband. I am so thankful for Ethan. He has brought so much joy to our lives that we can not even put into words. We learn so much from him, and hope we are instilling God's love and grace in him. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head. Yes I do complain about that at times, too, but I am reminded that right now too many people are losing the roof over their head. I am grateful I have a roof. We are also thankful for our church family, who has walked beside Chris and I, and later Ethan, over the last few years in the trials we have experienced. Those trials have taught us a lot and have created so many bonds and friendships that we never would have had.
There are numerous things to be thankful for. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and got to relax a bit.

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